We Are
Walnut Park Elementary
We Are
Walnut Park Elementary
We Are
Walnut Park Elementary
We Are
Walnut Park Elementary
We Are
Walnut Park Elementary

About Us

At Walnut Park Elementary, we strive to develop students who are inspired to learn. We stress the importance of academics and respect the value of a strong educational foundation. We also promote social, emotional, and physical growth. When children have the right tools and environment, and when they feel safe and nurtured and challenged and encouraged, they become inspired to learn and success is sure to follow.

Career Training

About Us

At Walnut Park Elementary, we strive to develop students who are inspired to learn. We stress the importance of academics and respect the value of a strong educational foundation. We also promote social, emotional, and physical growth. When children have the right tools and environment, and when they feel safe and nurtured and challenged and encouraged, they become inspired to learn and success is sure to follow.

School News

September Lunch Menu

Title 1 Survey

Please complete the Title 1 survey for our school, your input is very important and appreciated.   Title 1 Parent Survey
Businessman holding pencil with completed checklist.

ACIP/ Política de Participación de los Padres

ACIP Espanol

District News

FCCLA Team 1 March 5-7, Gadsden City High School's Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America competed at the Alabama FCCLA State Leadership Conference in Montgomery.
GCHS students explored all that FCCLA has to offer its members by participating in competitive events, leadership sessions, employability skills workshops, and they made Gadsden City High School history!
The FCCLA advisors, Terri Jenkins and Madison Reynolds were thrilled to have almost doubled the number of competitors from last year's competition. Of the five young ladies who represented GCHS at the state level, three students received a bid to nationals to compete in Orlando this summer. This is the first time in GCHS history our FCCLA chapter has students who have received a bid to compete at the national level!
The FCCLA advisors are extremely proud of the hard work and long hours each one of their competitors put forth to accomplish their goals. Please join them by congratulating your fellow students on their achievements.
The results from the FCCLA State Competition are as follows:
🏅Kaleeyse Norris- Silver Medalist and 2nd place in Level 2 Early Childhood Education with a bid to nationals!
🏅 Abbi Henson- Gold Medalist and 2nd place in Level 3 Early Childhood Education with a bid to nationals!
🏅 Allyson Hernandez- Gold Medalist and 1st place in Level 2 Nutrition and Wellness with a bid to nationals!
 🏅 Emond Appleton and Royuona Williams- Bronze Medalists in Level 2 Promote and Publicize FCCLA
FCCLA Competitor 2 FCCLA Competitor 3 FCCLA Competitor 4 FCCLA Competitor 5

Calendar of Events

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Jazz Show

Jazz Show

Annual Blood Drive - August 28

Annual Blood Drive - August 28